
“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” -Proverbs 11:25

If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that how we treat others directly affects us. Have you ever spoken harshly to someone, particularly a complete stranger, just because you were having a bad day? I think it’s safe to say that we all have. I know that every time I have ever snapped at someone, I always feel terrible afterwards.

On the contrary, I’m sure you are aware how rewarding even the smallest good deed done for someone else can be.

You NEVER know what battle someone is facing. Your words have the power to lift their spirits, or break them down.

Encouragement is defined as: something that makes someone more determined, hopeful or confident.

I love that.

Wouldn’t this world be a better place if there were more determined, hopeful and confident individuals?

Give the gift of encouragement.

It’s FREE.

Your words are powerful, let’s use that power for good.


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